The best, organic milk from our cows grazing the Yorkshire & Northumbria Dales
tel: 01325 466999
The Cows Are Trying to Tell Us Something…
Since the grass started growing in spring the Acorn Dairy herd have looked relaxed and happy, grazing outside on our organic pastures day and night. Many of you comment how nice it is to still see cows in the fields. N.B. Cows producing organic milk, MUST have freedom to graze naturally and our cows love it!
In the last few days however, the weather has cooled and our ladies have begun looking to their winter sheds from the fields. These girls were ‘turned out’ into the back pasture yesterday following afternoon milking and immediately turned around and refused to graze. In their own, not so subtle way, the girls gathered by the gate, waiting to be brought back in. As the day’s heat fades the warmth of a roomy shed naturally becomes appealing.
As you will be seeing with your own lawns, grass has about stopped growing in our region. As you put your lawn mowers away for the winter, our cows too need additional feed and energy to that they get from grazing. We have good stocks of our silage, beans, wheat and wholecrop (all organic and all grown this summer) for the cows to eat over the winter months.
Graham is planning for our cows to be housed overnight from today. The sheds are ready and waiting for them. The girls will still be grazing in the fields through the day and tucked up at night. The farming year progresses!
If you know anyone who would like to have Acorn Dairy milk delivered to their doorstep. They can contact us on 01325 466999, or via our website Thank you for any recommendations.
Darlington | Northallerton | Richmond | Aycliffe | Yarm |Barnard Castle | Durham | Gosforth | Villages to the North of Bedale
Caroline Bell
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