The best, organic milk from our cows grazing the Yorkshire & Northumbria Dales
tel: 01325 466999
Come to Acorn Dairy & Meet the Cows Producing your Milk this September.
Where does the year go?! September will soon be with us and Graham & I have already had a pow wow on a plan of action for your entertainment!
Some dates for your diaries, before the summer exodus.
Thursday 20th 5pm (2hrs)
Friday 21st 5pm (2hrs)
Saturday 22nd 3pm (2hrs)
We are tying in with the Soil Association’s #OrganicSeptember campaign and this year we are delighted to have Newcastle University joining us to show and discuss with you, the benefits of organic farming to the soil and its biodiversity. (Check your weekly bill notes nearer the time for further details on this. )
Last year we were delighted to have mostly dry weather for your walking tours and tractor rides. This year we will be delighted if we are talking to you through a deluge! At time of writing, an additional frown line is cementing itself into Graham’s forehead due to poor grass growth. To what extent the grass can make up lost ground if rain comes soon, we shall see…
We look forward to you join us at the farm.
Caroline & Graham.
Caroline Bell
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