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Spring Turn Out 2018

Join the Acorn Dairy Organic Cows Dancing into the Fields

Autumn 2017 was kind and the cows were able to graze into the second week of November – almost unheard of. However this was followed by the other extreme of unseasonably cold and wet weather across the country and a late spring. The grass simply did not start growing until last week.
Turn Out 2018, on 23rd April, is the latest in living memory here at the farm (and Gordon is pretty old.)

It has been a long winter of full feeding round and bedding up routines. Our forklift has been working overtime. We were lucky, in that we had plenty of excellent organic silage and bedding available for the cows. We know of some herds were turned out into temperatures too cold and fields too wet, due to lack of feed and bedding to keep them comfortably inside any longer. April was tough for many.

Thank you to those of you who came to join us for Turn Out. We appreciate 1pm on a Monday does not suit many! It was our pleasure to share the event with you. To those who could not make it, at the short notice we were able to give, we hope you enjoy the footage of this year’s turnout.

For Acorn Dairy organic milk delivery enquiries please contact us

Caroline Bell

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